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26. "Comforting" solutions are the chosen solutions, even if they are false.

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26. "Comforting" solutions are the chosen solutions, even if they are false.

False reasoning can still provide massive satisfaction for the body. The human brain craves solutions and reasons. Much of what makes us human (higher cognition) in the brain is dedicated to seeking out reasons. We give ourselves dopamine for coming to reasons/solutions during aha moments even if we are wrong in the grander scale; we take pleasure from the dopamine and it give us positive feelings (Salamone & Correa, 2002) even if we are wrong. Therefore, universal validity is not important for solo satisfaction. This goes far in explaining naive human psychology even in adults who should know better (incongruent actions, and unsubstantiated faith). It also works against education at times, for obvious reasons -- students can be totally satisfied and ecstatic even when arriving at wrong solutions and reasoning patterns. Teachers and students must learn how to see through this phenomenon. In short, the dopamine providing solution is often the "chosen solution" in spite of the bigger picture's reality.

Q. Is this a concept that you would like your students to understand? How would you teach them this?



I'm new to the conference but am happy to have the opportunity to do a pechakucha presentation at Fab5 related to my paper, Cognitive Theory, Motivation and EFL.  Following is a 'sales' (not for profit, of course) abstract.  I look forward to meeting everyone at the conference.
26. "Comforting" solutions are the chosen solutions, even if they are false. AttachmentGary Henscheid Full Abstract of Cognitive ESL (1).doc
Abstract of Cognitive Theory, Motivation and EFL
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Hi Gary!  Very Happy 

I just noticed that you posted this under the "comforting" maxim.
Was that your intention?

(You did a fantastic job at FAB5  Cool )



426. "Comforting" solutions are the chosen solutions, even if they are false. Empty Misplaced abstract - thanks Robert Tue Sep 09, 2014 12:14 am


You're right Robert, it wasn't my intention to post it here so I need to repost it. Many have moved on to preparing for the next term or to last minute wild partying.  This blog is great and I wish I had more time to participate but I'll make time sooner or later.  Hope your summer is going well - Aki gakki is nearly upon us - bye for now, Gary

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